Developed to take advantage of the extremely accurate 6.5mm bullet, the 6.5-300 is a 300 WBY case necked down from 30 caliber to 6.5mm. The result was the fastest 6.5mm cartridge on the market pushing a 140 gr bullet over 3400 fps.
Bullet Diameter: .264 (6.5mm)
Common Reference: 6.5mm Caliber
Max Case Length: 2.825โ
Production Start: 2016
Jason H –
Love the 127 LRX out of my Weatherby Mark V. Hits hard and fast, the antelope and bull elk shot this year did not take a step. Wonderful round to shoot suppressed, makes the hit on an animal very noticeable.
Stanley E Lechner –
I have killed 3 pronghorn with my 6.5ร300 mag. My mom bought me this rifle before she died of cancer. She bought both my brother and I a rifle and a pronghorn hunt in West Texas. I shot my at 400 yards dead in it’s tracks. My brother killed his at 300 yards. Our step dad died that year of a stroke and mom passed 1 and a 1/2 years latter. This rifle has more meaning to me than any other rifle I have. When I hunt with it I remember the love a mother has for her son.
Gabe –
Best most accurate rifle I ever owned backcountry 2.0 6.5-300 it has taken a Dall sheep at 680 yards 1 shot speed goat at 400 yards 1 shot and now a black bear at 500 yards 1 shot 156 gr berger elite hunter 5x30x50 huskmaw scope very accurate past 1000 yards
Canadian Freezer Filler –
I have had a 6.5-300 in a Vanguard for about 3 years and couldn’t be happier. I have never seen anything that kills like this round. 1/2″ groups at 100 yards and with a Barnes LRX deer, bear, and moose have all dropped in their tracks like someone hit their off switch. Nothing has even taken a step. Took a 200 yard freehand shot on a moose this fall and it hit EXACTLY where I aimed, perfect pass through shot with enough blood to paint a stump behind it; truly incredible round. If you want an accurate, ethically killing rifle that will make you a much more confident shooter, the 6.5-300 will do that better than anything I have ever seen, and it will make you giggle like a kid on Christmas morning while you do it.
Rob Williams –
Bought the 6.5-300 a couple yrs ago / Vanguard Hush model – topped with a Bushnell 6500 2.5-16 x44 ! Shooting Factory Weatherby ammo 127 gr lrx ! Itโll print a 1/2 group at 100yds ! Itโs sighted in with one box of ammo ๐havenโt whacked any animals yet / didnโt use it this past season – used my 300 weatherby !
Benjamin Castle (verified owner) –
I bought some of the new 129gr Hammer custom ammunition for my Backcountry 2.0 Ti.
They shot absolutely amazing in my rifle, the best out of all the factory loads I’ve tested.
I was able to harvest my Antelope Buck this year at 500 yards on the button, one shot DRT.
There was absolutely no way to get any closer but with this round and ammo, I had complete confidence to make it happen.
Matt Anthony –
Bought a Meateater Vanguard 6.5-300 with the added muzzle brake, was sighted in in under 6 shots. Very accurate rifle, using Weatherby factory ammo and 156 grain Bergers and it’s killed everything it’s hit. Multiple deer and 2 cow elk in the last couple years. It’s a barn burner of a round so I don’t count on having a barrel for more than a few hundred shots but totally worth it to shoot this very fun rifle. Dad was always a 300 Weatherby diehard and admits this is one he wants to add to his collection soon now.
Tom Maxwell –
I’ve owned many calibers, but the 6.5-300 is far superior accuracy at long range. Its the only gun that I will carry hunting any more. 500-600 yard shots on deer are no challenge, with the 127 gr LRX. Thank you Weatherby.
Eric voss –
Have a 6.5-300 wby in a left hand ultra light. My favorite deer rifle hands down. Absolutely love all my weatherbys but this hot rod hold a special place. My ultra light out shoots my accumark. Both are 6.5-300โs. Extremely pleased. Load development was easy just feed it us869.
Harry Babin –
Extremely Accurate! One jagged hole! Ammo is hard to get. I got another Weatherby Rifle in .270 Win to keep me in the field.
Coonhhuter –
I have 3 of these rifles in a arroyo, terramark , and one custom accumark style , rifles I have took white tail deer with it and when they are shot they don’t go far , shooting the barnes 127gr bullet at any range is great , the 140gr swift does my Terra mark justice in accuracy, perfect long range rifles, even though my 270weatherby mags and 7mm weatherby are of my favorite I have chosen to carry my 6.5300 hunting
Jerry –
I bought my new6.5/300 Weatherby last fall, I got to spend a short amount of bench time shooting it in, and I was empresses almost instantly, it was super fast and shot very tight groups being a large magnum caliber, the best thing was how it performed on the animal, the farthest shot was 487 yards and took a large muledeer straight to the ground
Tucker –
Really like this gun and the round. Just dont use it on elk. Punches holes. In one side and out the other.
Big boy –
Shot a cow elk at about 900 yards away. Dropped it.
Michigan Hunter –
I used the 127 grain LRX in my 6.5-.300 Wby ULW for whitetails in Michigan in November 2017. A nice mature buck came out about 150 yards away facing towards me. It was the only shot I had and it was getting dark. I had been shooting this load and 1/2โ 3 shot groups gave me the confidence to take the shot. One shot went through its neck and dropped dead in its tracks. This bullet held together at high velocity when other bullets might have failed. Wby Select Plus premium ammo is everything itโs claimed to be.
Chris –
I was using the 127 grain Barnes LRX round. Took three shots and ended up with three dead deer. Mild recoil with this bullet. I think it could take any animal with this bullet.
Dave –
I bought my Mark 5 this spring. Topped it off with a Nikon 4.5-18×40 Prostaff S. And shooting Weatherby factory Select Plus 130 Grain Swift Scirocco Ammo. I took her out in the field this hunting season and let her eat. Letโs just say she will be the only rifle for me next season
Pistol Pete –
Just put together my Terramark RC 6.5-300 with a Custom Shop Leupold VX5 3-15×44 CDS. Rifle shoots 140gr. Swift A-Frame so well, I had the knob cut using the data sheet. This round is a ROCKET!! will punch a hole through 6″ steel gong at 400 yds. I can’t wait to get into the box blind this year! Awesome rifle and round.
Bob –
I’ve owned a 6.5STW since it was first introduced by Layne and needed to rebarrel after many years of great performance on game. Weatherby introduced the 6.5-300 at just the right time so I chose that chamber since STW brass was getting hard to come by. So far in load development it easily makes the specified velocities, and accuracy looks encouraging. My barrel likes the 127 grain Barnes LRX bullet the best so far. Barnes lists US869 as the preferred powder and my results indicate this is probably true. I may work up some Retumbo loads as well just to see but there really is no need to do so.
Calibercollector –
I had one built off a vanguard action that was originally a 300wby. While its a 1″ gun with the 127 and 130gr factory loads its a single hole cluster with 130gr berger vld hunting bullets. Giving my 26 nosler to the boy and keeping this for myself, its a winner.
rcb –
way to go Weatherby
450 #2 nitro Express –
I wanted one of these since the late 60s when the original pennsylvania 1000 yd. club were using them. I have owned one since 2001 and must like it because it is on its third barrel. It is very flat and deadly. One must chose his bullet wisely if using on game as it will over stress ordinary bullets. If you need the flatest hardest hitting caliber, this is the one for you. All my barrels have been 28″ in length so achieving factory ballistics is a cake walk.
texasjohn –
i bought a 6.5-300 in an ultra light mark v. it shoots ok with factory ammo, but load info is hard to find. factory ammo like all weatherby ammo is way overpriced. i called and asked for help finding load info and was told we don”t do that. it”s because they want to sell that high priced ammo. i called nozler and was told that weatherby refuses to give them load info, also for the same reason, to sell high profit ammo. hodgden said it would be next summer before weatherby would give them the info to develope load data. i own weatherby rifles in 240,257,6.5 creedmore,308 rem, 270 weatherby, 300 weatherby, and 6.5-300 weatherrby. if i had it to do over again, i would not buy the 6.5-300 until more info was available. i put a burris eliminator 3 on it when i bought it but now i took it off and put it on my 300. i put the 6.5-300 in the back of my safe and will leave it there until info becomes available. i wanted to be the first of my group to own this gun, but now i wish i would have waited.