Vanguard® Deluxe

(61 customer reviews)


I’m handsome. There, I said it. In fact, many would say I’m the most attractive Vanguard in the lineup. With my AA-grade stock, I’m also incomparably distinctive since no two pieces of Claro Walnut ever look the same, which I think is pretty awesome.

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Let’s talk about family heirlooms – things that are handed down from generation to generation because they’re just too special to part with. When owning the Vanguard Deluxe, a person is not just getting themself a rifle. The Deluxe will go on to a son or daughter, then on to theirs, and so on. Everyone down the line will appreciate all the same things: The AA-grade Claro walnut, fine line checkering, rosewood accents and most importantly, the legendary Weatherby accuracy of the Vanguard action and 24” cold hammer-forged barrel.


  • All Vanguard rifles are guaranteed to shoot a 3-shot group of .99” or less at 100 yards (SUB-MOA) from a cold barrel when used with Weatherby® factory or premium ammunition within Two-Years of Verified Purchase Date to Original Purchaser.
  • Adjustable Match Quality, Two-stage Trigger
  • Fluted Bolt Body
  • One-piece Machined Bolt Body
  • Fully Enclosed Bolt Sleeve
  • Vanguard Recoil Pad
  • 3-Position Safety
  • Cold Hammer Forged Barrel
  • Integral Recoil Lug
  • Hinged Floorplate


  • Raised comb, Monte Carlo “AA” grade claro walnut stock in high gloss finish
  • Rosewood forend and grip cap with maplewood spacers
  • Fineline checkering


  • Blued metalwork in high lustre finish
  • #2 contour barrel
  • Barrel length is 26” for magnum chamberings & 24” for non-magnum and 240 Wby Mag


Additional information


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61 reviews for Vanguard® Deluxe

  1. Austin R.

    Really wish you guys would bring this one back and have it chambered in the 240 Weatherby Magnum.. I’d buy one tomorrow. Loved the Vanguard deluxe for the value.

  2. Tony Gregory

    Please start offering the Vanguard deluxe, it is one ot the most beautiful rifles ever made, and shoots fantastic, terrible mistake to discontinue this model!!

  3. Hawk

    The Vanguard VGX Deluxe in .300 Weatherby was my very first Weatherby Rifle.
    It was and continues to be one of my favorite rifles. Well balanced and a beautiful stock. I will never sell any of my Weatherby Rifles!
    The accuracy of the Vanguard was always spectacular!

  4. John Temple

    Please make the Weatherby Vanguard Deluxe again. I own two calibers and want 3 more. Best rifle made. Won’t hunt or buy a synthetic. No class

  5. Frankasaurus Rex

    The quality and materials used are superb. Smoothest bolt action. Remington 700 Could not even come close to this rifle. Look and feel of a rifle that would cost twice as much. I have the 30/06 model and it is truly the best buy in my safe. So balanced in hand. AMAZING. It’s a Weatherby. Pedigree speaks of its legendary heritage.

  6. Get the job done

    The rifle never let me down not once, Great gun for mosse and white tails. One shot that’s the guarantee it put down 2mosse and 17 white tails in 2 years chambered in the 257 mag.

  7. Buck

    One of the Best looking and feeling Rifle I have ever purchased very accurate and the feel is unquestionable the best it aims its self Weatherby has hit it out of the park with this Fine Rifle.

  8. Hp

    This rifle simply amazes me every time I shoot it. Always accurate.When I take it out
    of my safe to clean it months after I cleaned it from hunting season. I really hate to put it down. Talk about a good looking gun, with the deluxe stocks and polished blueing it’s beautiful. Probably should keep it by itself in it’s own gun safe.?

    I’ve owned Winchester’s, have bolt actions in Savage and Remington but the Weatherby is my best and favorite. Everyone who sees it is very impressed.
    Get you one.

  9. Bowyer Bill

    I owned a Mark V Deluxe in 300 Weatherby and while I loved it, didn’t shoot it all that often. An opportunity came to trade it for a Vanguard in .308. It had a nice scope and a Browning BOSS already installed. So, with two pistols thrown in to sweeten the deal I made the swap. After a trigger job, blown away by the accuracy of my new rifle. Only thing I missed was the beautiful Weatherby walnut stock, so I’m ordering one for this wonderful rifle.

  10. Eric

    The most accurate rifle I have ever used. Elk, Mule Deer and Antelope have all been 1 shot harvest.

    Would definitely recommend the Vanguard.

  11. mooseman2008

    Very accurate rife. Reasonably price, exceptional quality. Regarding hunting rifle purchase, one of the best decisions I’ve made.

  12. Richard

    Weatherby rifles

    Weatherby has maintained the quality standards of all there rifles since the Mark V first came on the market many years ago. No matter where the rifles have been manufactured the standards have been maintained and or improved to the highest quality. You own a Weatherby and you own the best of the best. It does not matter if you have a Vanguard or the Mark V. I know because I own more than a complete set and used them all with not one problem or failure. That is about 50 years of shooting and hunting with Weatherby’s !

  13. Mitch

    My family has been shooting Weatherby rifles for years. To be honest I never had one of my own because of the price point, until one day I got an unbelievable deal on a 270 deluxe. The deal was so good that I actually entertained the idea of selling it so I could double my money. Then, I shot it! Everything came to light as to why these rifles are considered to be some of the best on the planet. This is the affidavit of one happy camper that never sold this rifle! If you know someone who has one, shoot it. You WILL understand. Thank Weatherby for making such an amazing rifle!

  14. NR

    Just bought my 270 on close out at Walmart. Wood stocks have been my favorite for 60 plus years. Fit and finish are BEAUTIFUL. I can hardly wait to sight it in. Little doubt its performance will match it looks. Retired and fixed income the close out sale made this rifle a proud member of my Safe. Thanks Weatherby for a stunning Rifle. God Bless.

  15. Simon

    I chose this rifle … Or did this rifle choose me !!!!
    Bought this rifle on a store closing clearance sale. First thing that stuck me was just the beautiful finish! Second how timeless this deluxe finish is how lucky I was to get an amazing deal on this rifle considering they were like 35-40%off . How was this gem still on the shelf available for purchase.
    2)Calibered 30-06?… A deluxe timeless beauty in the most classic caliber.. Sign Me Up.

    I never looked back ….51 grains H4895 with a 150grain tipped TSX handload producing 3002 FPS

    Deadly accurate up to 300yards

    This rifle has turned me into a WEATHERBY owner for LIFE!

  16. Deer slayer

    Bought my 1st weatherby in the 257 weatherby vanguard deluxe. Sighted it in and went hunting. Pulled the trigger 3 times and harvested 3 deer. This is the last rifle I will ever have to buy

  17. Big Bill

    Bought a Weatherby Vanguard 300 Win. Mag. Added a AccuBrake selected stock. Damacene bolt. Added Leupold 4-12x50MM scope. Rifle zeroed at 200 yards in 3 shots. Contently shoots groups less than 1 inch. You can shoot This rifle all day you would run out of ammo before your shoulder felt ant substantial recoil. I hunt wild Pigs it knocks the wild out of them. Buy one you will not be disappointed.

  18. Kenhubert

    I bought a Vanguard chambered in 300 Win mag and used it to hunt for the pot in Tanzania in Africa for 3 years. It had amazing knock-down power, excellent accuracy, holding a 3/4″ group at 200 yards and was very flat shooting up to 250 yards. I regularly took down antelope at 500 yards and on one occasion was called on to take out a Cape Buffalo that was wrecking some local farms. I shot only once from 50 yards with a 220 grain Hornady bullet and that was that. The rifle was a pleasure to use and a thing of beauty. I don’t have the rifle any more because I live in Europe, but I miss it a lot.

  19. Caleb

    After effectively taking down my second deer, I was amazed by the clean shot produced by this gun. Even after 20 years this gun has held up to high standards.

  20. TJ

    This rifle is every bit as beautiful as it is accurate. After breaking in the barrel (instructions are on this site) I took the time to zero in the rifle. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I approached the target. I shot a dime sized 3 shot group at 100 yards with Federal Edge TLR in 300 win mag. I had very similar results with Hornady Superformance ammunition as well. If you’re thinking about purchasing this rifle, know you will not regret it!

  21. Kelvin B

    25 years ago I bought myself a 270 Weatherby Vanguard Deluxe. To this day it is my go to rifle for hunting whitetail deer and hogs here in Texas. I use premium ammunition and I’m still amazed at its accuracy. I mounted a Leupold straight 6 powered scope on it and have taken several deer and over 250 yards with it. I’m looking forward to many more years of hunting with this fine rifle.

  22. bsquared7

    just purchased my new vanguard deluxe 30.06 because of my great experience with a weatherby .300 Mag Mark V and and .270 Weatherby Vanguard. This rifle combines the enjoyability of the .270 with more of the knockdown power of the .300 mag. Manageable recoil and excellent accuracy with my Leopold scope and I believe I have found my new favorite general hunting rifle!

  23. Joe

    I got the 300 Weatherby Mag Deluxe for my 50th birthday. The gun bench shoots a three shot group at 100 yards inside 0.6 inches. It is not a gun for the faint of heart because it kicks like a mule. Every friend who has shot it split their eyebrow on the scope. It has never hurt me but you have to hold it tight into your shoulder. Even at 500 yards it hits harder than a 30 06 at muzzle. Never needed to shoot any game more than one shot. I found it shoots a 165 grain bullet the best. The wood is gorgeous.

  24. HP

    It’s just a beautiful firearm that gets so many envious looks , make you feel proud. While growing up Weatherby was so famous and always read every article I could find on them never thinking I would actually own one. It’s a 30/06 and I actually bought it second hand and it was love at first sight. It had a Tasco scope on it and looked brand new and I thought someone spent good money on the gun and put a low priced scope on it and never realized how good of a shooter it was. I put a Bushnell elite scope on it and I can honestly say” I’ve never had such a accurate rifle and I’ve owned many”. Thanks Weatherby for making such a awesome firearm.

  25. Old Dutch

    I picked up a Vanguard Deluxe in .270 which was new, but roughly handled before being sold to me. The price was just too good to pass up, even with a few dents and scratches in the walnut stock.

    I decided to steam out the small dents and used very fine sand paper on the finish. Due to the excellent factory stock finish, the repairs are almost perfect. I used a fine compound and wax afterward.

    The rifle is very accurate and is perhaps my favorite hunting rifle.

  26. Ben

    You absolutely cannot beat the weatherby vanguard deluxe. Absolutely beautiful gun, and also a killer. Have had the gun only half a deer season and have already killed deer at 412, 387, and 374 yards. The rifle is flawless.

  27. The terminater

    This rifle I have is a 270 as ND I have another one that is a 7mm08magnum this one’s older but with with I have put 5 shots in a 1 inch gruping from 300 yards and every time I have shot a deer with it it dropped down dead instantly

  28. wiscoboy97

    Bought the Vanguard Deluxe in .257 wby mag. And being only 17 at the time, it was quite a price to pay, but I don’t regret it at all! (I actually got the 2015 anniversary edition so it took an extra $50 and seven months to get it!!) After reloading some 85 great Nosler ballistic tips and 100 great Barnes TTSX and both were under .5″ I put a Nikon Monarch 3 4-16×42 on top of it, and got away with the low rings, which is a great success! Anyways, great rifle, and something ill have for the rest of my days. Hands down my favorite rifle. Looking for a Mark V now!

  29. outdoorsmsn

    Bought my vanguard for an elk hunt in Colorado back in 1982. .300 winchester mag. I still love just looking at it. Beautiful wood and bluing. It is my favorite rifle. Topped it with a Leupold scope. Use it for pennsylvania Black bear hunting. Always shoots tight groups. More accurate than I am.

  30. chris

    I own 6 Weatherby Vanguards and each of them shoot well under the MOA advertised. 3 of them regularly shoot under .5″ MOA. All of them are either the Lazermark or the Delux version since I love the beautiful high gloss wood stocks they come it. I own lots of rifles and some of them are expensive custom built guns, but my favorites are my six Vanguards.

    Best value in rifles on the planet!

  31. Lee

    My Vanguard Deluxe 30 06 with a Zeiss 4X12x50MM scope shoots a three shot group about 1 3/4 high at 100 yards inside a 1 1/2 group. I’m 60 years old and can’t ask for better than that. I floated the barrel and found it grouped better. Weatherby makes a lifetime rifle that you can pass on to your kids. I also have a Mark V 17 HMR that is a blast to shoot. I have put three shots in the head of a rabbit silhouette target at 100 yrs. Never regret buying these rifles. You won’t either.

  32. E. J.

    I bought my first Weatherby in 1974. Since then have purchased a Mark 22 for my kids to learn how to shoot, a 270, a 30-06 and a 12 gauge Centurion. My brothers also have a Weatherby and I bought one for my father. If you want the consistent quality of performance, durability and accuracy there is no other necessary ! I am now planning on buying a Camilla model for my wife.

  33. Old Dutch

    I bought my .270 as a “scratch and dent” sale with new rifle stickers still attached. Unfortunately, it was handled very roughly as a display model at a big box store gun counter.

    I was offered an exceptional price for this rifle and felt I could replace the stock with a new factory stock and still have a great rifle value. I decided to steam the dents and deep scratches and very gently polish the finish to see if it could be salvaged. It exceeded my expectations and the gentle efforts were rewarded. The improvement was about 90%.

    At the range, accuracy was very good, sub moa. We are talking a 5 shot group, which I consider a worthy test. I am a proud owner and believer in Weatherby.

  34. Brandon

    I have a 70’s vanguard deluxe chambered in 270wcf. Still turning heads when I’m out hunting and someone sees it. What kinda rifle you shooting? Weatherby! 270. Rifle is accurate. Has its character marks and scratches. Still solid. Wish I could have it reblued.

  35. Shawn

    Best gun I have ever bought. For being a 300 the recoil is amazing and when it comes to knock down by far the best. One shot drop in there tracks every time. Weatherby Vanguard is the only rifle I’ll ever buy. You can’t get a better all around rifle for the price.

  36. rol

    shot a 3 shot groupe 100 yds 75 gr hp cut holes shooting from a led sled

  37. Cosmocreeper 06

    Owned my first Weatherby at 15 years of age
    30-06 Deluxe Vanguard.
    Should have, would have could have.
    Yup sold it.

    So two years ago I ordered a replacement.
    Waited 9 months to get it and was not disappointed.
    Scoped it out with a Bushnell Elite and went to the range.
    First shot 50 yards high.
    Second close enough.
    Put the sights out at 100 and pulled.
    1/2 inch right of center.
    The next two followed with out moving the scope.
    I just shot the sub MOA with the last 3 of a 5 shot string with out cool down time.
    It was done with the first 5 rounds shot out of the firearm!.
    This was a 165 grain Hornady bullet and load I shoot in my Ruger.
    So I haven’t started to work on the best load.
    Only once in my life time have I had a hunting rifle capable of 5 shot group with this type of accuracy.
    The last 3 just did a sub MOA out of a heated barrel.

    The finish is art work.
    Beautiful piece of wood finished in a high luster.
    Checkering is crisp and clean.
    Barrel glows with a deep blued polished look.
    Two stage trigger that ends in a clean smooth pull with no need to move it.
    Proud to own such a fine piece.
    Excited to see what the final target looks like.

  38. Gunz

    I had never owned a Weatherby rifle before, I wanted a rifle with knockdown power and accuracy, let me begin by saying this rifle is awesome. I put a Nikon scope on, shot it 3 times and the next shot was dead center, I was shooting sub moa groups from that point on. Weatherby will be the only hunting rifles I will buy from this point forward, it’s worth the money.

  39. ” CHUCK “

    Weatherby has the most beautiful Stocks, they are almost too pretty to take into the woods. In .30/.06 Cal., accuracy , balance, knockdown,and with a Vortex Scope, you will bring the Big Buck of a lifetime home every year. Awesome !

  40. David

    I got this rifle last season and it is one of the best shooting rifles I’ve ever shot. Also, it is an extremely accurate rifle. I highly recommend it.

  41. Bo

    I bought this gun in 1994 and haven’t bought another gun since, best shooting, handling and dependable gun I have ever owned. Love my weatherby…

  42. Little rick

    I have 300 mg vanguard for past 16 years
    And has been the most outstanding rifle i

    Have ever shot it has good hitig power and disttens

  43. Tom

    I finally got my first weatherby vanguard deluxe in 300 win mag. I took it out to get it sighted in and it’s probably the best rifle I have shot. Extremely accurate good balance and just a joy to look at. I recommend everyone to have one.

  44. Will

    This is the most accurate gun I own and I have many to choose from. I use a 200 gran bullet and it is a tack driver at 200 yards. Not to use on whit tail deer, the damage is to much.

  45. Whitetailking

    I own a 3006 vanguard deluxe it’s pinpoint accuracy gets the job done while retaining its powerful takedown.

  46. Jim Reynolds

    I bought a Vanguard Deluxe 270 Win in 1986 after reenlisting in the Navy. I had read many articles on Weatherbys in Shooting Times when I was in high school. My mom went with me to look at one but at the time she just couldn’t afford one, which I understood. To this day, my Weatherby has never let me down. In my hunt club my buddies use Remington 700’s but when I break out this rifle, they smile and say here is the tack driver. I have never wanted another gun nor could I justify getting another. This gun is all I will ever need. Thank You Weatherby for making such an awesome rifle.

  47. J.C.

    Good quality hunting rifle. I have it in 300 weatherby mag. Would recommend it.

  48. Elkcraz

    I own 3 Weatherby Vanguards; 257 Wby, 240 Wby, and a .223 Rem. I have shot these for accuracy checks and the 257 and 240 are nearly one-hole wonders. Using Barnes Bullets in the 257, the rifle has competition accuracy written all over it. Using factory Weatherby ammo (the cheapest one to date) the .240 accuracy can not be improved on with handloading, though I will handload for this one too. I am thinking I need a 6.5 Creedmoor just to say I have one.

    When people ask me about my Weatherby rifles…….I have only one word, “FANTASTIC”……….!!!!!

  49. Bill

    The most accurate rifle I have.With many rifles I have to choose from it is a tack driver at 200yds, It has a big kick, but I had a muzzel brake on it. Now it kicks about he same as a 25-06. For a 300 wby mag that is good.
    This rifle is for big game because it destroys a small or even a medium size deer.

  50. Tony P

    Over the years I have owned several Weatherby’s including the Mark V and a few Vanguards. The Deluxe model I own, in .270 Winchester, is way more than a pretty face. Despite the knock-out looks of it’s gorgeous wood stock, it isn’t a safe queen. With proper hand loads it consistently groups less than 3/4 inch with 5 shots at 100 yards. And that includes three different bullet weights. Own a Weatherby; own the best.

  51. Dan

    Wife bought this as a Christmas present for me in a 300 Weatherby Mag after damaging a Mark 5 Sporter in a 7 mm Weatherby Mag, she damaged the stock badly so I sold it 🙁 Recently tore rotor cup on shoulder so I haven’t shot yet but if it shoots like the 1st Weatherby it will be a tack driver !!!!!!!!!!!

  52. Azp8tia

    My wife and I harvested the biggest buck of my life this past season in Utah. The two previous years we went without notching our tag. This year, when it counted most, the Weatherby Vanguard 2 in stainless performed perfectly. Thank you Weatherby!

  53. John Boy

    Love Classic Cars and Classic Firearms, my new Vanguard Deluxe soon will be a Classic

  54. Wyoming Rich

    I have owned, and still do, a number of Remington 700’s. Most of them are use-specific. I purchased a Vanguard Sporter in .308 several years ago and it is now my #1 “go-to” rifle when it comes to all-purpose hunting. I have never failed to fill a deer or antelope tag with it. I’ve added several different models and calibers over time, then recently saw a Deluxe in .30-06 and fell in love. I couldn’t pass it up and it now sits next to the other Vanguard’s in my safe. I can’t wait until hunting season this year and take my piece of workingman’s art into the field. I have no doubt it will put rounds in “the zone” as good as it does on paper, the rest is up to me.

  55. the deer hunter

    I am 73 years old & have been hunting for over 40 years with my Weatherby 270. When in college, I read all the hunting mags, on the train from San Jose to San Francisco each morning. Weatherby was the rife I wanted to someday own! I finally had the opportunity to purchase my dream hunting rifle, ,about ten yrs after college. One problem, it was a right handed action & I was left handed. I bought it anyway & have used it ever since. Many, many deer fell to my rifle & it has been performing well above expectations.

  56. Meat Eater

    I had won a .243 Howa a a banquet about 5 years ago and a buddy won the 300 Deluxe 2 and asked to trade and I did. The gun sat in my safe for a few years and decided to at least sight it in. It sat for another year and thought about trading it for a crossbow. Glad I didn’t. This past gun season I flipped a coin and my favorite Model 700 7mm mag lost out. Opening day (4) deer were shot (2) by me in the morning. My buddy dropped his gun and used mine in the afternoon and shot (2) deer. Four deer from 80-250 yards and never had to track a one. It is a beautiful gun to boot. I feel like it was custom made for me. I also added a doe on a late season hunt with my 5 year old son. My 700 is now the back up gun.

  57. Hugh

    Had a 300 Win Mag Vanguard in Tanzania in 1980-83 with a 3-9 scope. Shot for the pot for 3 years and it would handle up to Cape Buffalo with 220 grain bullets. Flat shooting and needle sharp accuracy right out of the box and heart shots at 200 yards + were common. Moved to the UK so had to let it go but if I ever get to buy another rifle it will be a Vanguard.

  58. Ryan from Nebraska

    Had the biggest deer of my life (4×4 180 class mule deer) put the cross hairs on him pulled the trigger and “click” the gun only dented the primer about half as deep as normal!!! Sent it back and they say nothing is wrong? Sorry I know it didn’t fire, not going to let this happen again, I will be trading it when I get it back.



  60. Dennis

    I first saw a Weatherby rifle in an outdoor magazine many years ago (50+) and decided that one day I would own one. In those days a Weatherby Mark V was $125.00. Years later, right after I returned from Viet Nam, I went to see a girl friend who lived in Southgate, Ca, when I got off the bus, I saw a white building not far away with a neon sign in the shape of a Mark V. My girl friend waited a bit longer because I couldn’t resist. A long story short, I got my second chance to see a Weatherby… Last year I checked off the Weatherby on my bucket list, I bought two Vangards, one Deluxe and one with a synthetic stock. I can now say, not only is a Weatherby easy to look at, but these rifles shoot far beyond what I expected. Thank you guys for putting such great rifles in my hands. By the way, my other rifles include Sako, Tikka, Kimber and Browning.

  61. Duane

    When weatherby says flat shooting they mean it I took this beautiful merino with my 257 and I have never been so proud to own such a fine rifle that will be passed Down for generations thank you weatherby

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