Mark V® Ultra Lightweight

(34 customer reviews)


When people call me a lightweight, I’m not offended. It’s my thing. My job is to never slow you down in the field. And when you get within range of the animal you’re after, it’s my second job to stop him in his tracks. *Accubrake varies on caliber.

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While glassing across the canyon you spot him. He’s the animal you’ve come all this way to harvest. One problem: He’s a good mile away and the ground separating you from your destiny is some of the most inhospitable terra firma imaginable. No problem, let’s go get him. With my lightweight construction (as little as 5.75 pounds), I won’t slow you down a bit. When we get within range, don’t worry about me. My legendary Mark V lug action, LXX™ trigger and hand-lapped barrel will finish the job.



  • SUB-MOA accuracy guarantee (.99” or less 3-shot group at 100 yards when used with Weatherby® factory or premium ammunition)
  • Accubrake Included Only On 6.5-300 Weatherby & .300 Weatherby
  • LXX Trigger
  • Fluted Bolt Body
  • 54-Degree Bolt Lift
  • Integral Recoil Lug
  • Cocking Indicator
  • Magnum 9-Lug or Standard 6-Lug Action
  • 6-Lug version weighs 5 ¾ pounds; 9-lug version weighs 6 ¾ pounds


  • Stock has been designed with a slimmer forearm and more distinctive lines and contours
  • Grip diameter has been reduced
  • Slight right-hand palm swell
  • Hand-laminated, raised comb Monte Carlo composite stock
  • Aluminum bedding block
  • Matte gel coat finish
  • Spiderweb accents
  • Uses state of the art lightweight components without sacrificing structural integrity
  • Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad


  • Hand-lapped
  • Fluted, blackened stainless steel
  • Recessed target crown

34 reviews for Mark V® Ultra Lightweight

  1. Utah Randy

    I own a .270 Mag Ultra Light. It has been a joy in my life! It has endured multiple trips to Alaska, under all conditions, allowing one-shot kills on Brown Bear and Caribou out to 500 yards. I have taken Mule Deer in Mexico at +650 yards, Elk in CO at various ranges, all with a single shot. When on snow shoes for eight days, you are sooooo thankful for the Ultra Lightweight! Bring them back Weatherby!!

  2. Dave Wave

    The “Legacy” in this section appears to only go back 5-10 years. So many models not listed. Weatherby made an earlier version of this rifle called the Super Big Game Master with the same specs. The original Ultra Lightweight featured an in-the-white stainless fluted barrel and blued receiver. Same stock with different color/pattern, same barrel contour/length, dimensions and weight.

    Bought mine in 2002 in .338-06. Took it to Africa the following year and took all manner of game from a small jackal to a couple of 1200+ lb Eland. All one-shot kills. A really great lightweight action rifle in a calibre than didn’t explode your eardrums or wreck your shoulder. Weatherby’s are now either long-barrel braked magnums or overly heavy Vanguards. Maybe one day they will make practical lightweight hunting rifles again.


    I just gave myself one weatherby mark 5 lightweight 6 tenoni,
    I’m very happy, but can anyone give me directions, specific measurements, to be able to do one picatinny?
    hole distance and height, or is it possible to find it somewhere

  4. Dwayne

    I bought a 6.5×300 bee in this rifle. Absolutely love it. It’s a tack driver. Definitely my go to rifle for any North American big game.

  5. Tim

    I hunt with the 300wby ultralight. Kill deer dead right there! Running 180 ballistic tip seated out to 3.650 at 2960ft/sec. 1in groups at 100yds. You will not have to track any vital shot deer.

  6. James Baxendale

    I have a 257 Weatherby, magnum in ultralight. It is the best gun that I have. I have taken a lot of deer with it. Too bad. It’s discontinued now.

  7. Parker C. Schwab

    I inherited a Weatherby Ultra-Light Weight in .338-06 A Square and plan on taking in on an Elk hunt in Wyoming next year, can’t wait!

  8. Dave C

    After ordering this rifle, I was searching reviews on various forums while waiting for its arrival, and was afraid I had made an expensive mistake. After receiving the rifle, I performed Weatherby’s break in procedure using a variety of Weatherby and Nosler ammo. 180 NP, 200 NP, 180 SP, 180 TTSX,165 BST, and Nosler 180 AB. After running about 3 boxes down the barrel, the groups started tightening up. My rifle will not group 180NP, 165 BST, or Nosler 180AB tighter than 4” at 100yd. 200 NP will group about 1.5”. 180 TTSX groups about 0.75”. 180 SP groups 3/8”. The point is, the #2 barrel is VERY particular about what it likes to shoot. You must properly break the barrel in before you can begin to expect any consistent grouping results to determine what load/profile will harmonize best with your rifle. Furthermore, you legitimately can’t throw your hands up and declare the rifle won’t group if you’ve only tried one or two cartridge types with undesirable results. The ammo isn’t cheap, BUT you must do your homework if you expect the best performance from your rifle. The Accubrake is a blessing on this rifle. I needed a lightweight rig for hoofing up Idaho terrain, and this rifle certainly meets that need. Although I was hoping my rifle would group NP’s at sub MOA; SP’s are also a good round with which to harvest elk, so I have little to complain about. Ultimately I’m pleased to have added this rifle to my collection.

  9. Scott

    Hunted with this rifle every season for the last 12 yrs in rain ,snow and countless back country miles with total reliabity and the confidence knowing when the shot counts my weatherby never lets me down . I know the day will come that the grandsons will walk in the same mountains and woods with this mark 5 and pass it down to their sons & daughters

  10. Nate C.

    Out of multiple hunting rifles (and multiple Weatherbys), the Ultra Lightweight in .280 Remington has grown to be my go-to favorite rifle. I could probably get rid of everything else because this is consistently the one I reach for.

  11. Rev

    The reduced weight of this fine rifle is adding years to my hunting experience.

  12. None

    Got one first light weights got to hunt with it one year the son who was 10 at the time said it was his rifle . Over the chronograph it equals most factory 7mm mags.should have brought 2 one for him one for me.

  13. jimmyc

    absolutely outstanding quality and accuracy.

  14. Jackpine Assassin

    Absolutely love my Ultra Light! I’ve taken Columbian Blacktail, Whitetails, Antelope & a coyote or two with mine. My next one will be in 257 WBY MAG. I love when folks ask me what I shoot, I smile and say with pride “I shoot a Weatherby”

  15. Mad Dog Mike

    Own a Mark V in 270 Winch, 257 Wthby and 300 Mag Wthby. All are excellent and easy to shoot, and my handloads are all 3 shot groups in 1/2 in with these 3 rifles…only way to shoot is with a Weatherby

  16. Steve sara

    An absolute pleasure to carry. Feels good in the hand. Carry naturally and comfortable like a leaver action in the hand. If you own a leaver rifle you know what I mean. But the weatherby is so much more shoots like a dream. Action is smooth like the early bolt guns from Europe. Only complaint the but pad is hard. Replaced with limb saver and don’t even feel the 30-06 kick.
    If your thinking of buying do it you won’t be disappointed.
    Twice the money I wanted to spend.
    And don’t have any buyers remorse over spending it.
    You will love it.

  17. Cam

    Needed a light 30/06 that I could lift due to weak shoulders…The fit was perfect and lifted easily..Love it and very accurate to boot..Been to Alaska,all over Wyoming and Africa twice..Took out front bump in stock and bedded,,got 3/;8 group …10years and no problems..

  18. Mills

    This is 4th year hunting with my ultralight, it has been spot on evertime it’s been called upon. Awesome gun in everyway. Shoots straight, packs easily, carries awesome, nothing to not like about it. I live in Canada and bought one chambered in 30-06 and it has always done everything I’ve asked it to do perfectly. Reach for it just as often if not more than my Sako Finnlight 300 win.
    Completely satisfied with this rifle.

  19. Bigbore458

    I have several Weatherbys in various calibers but, my go to rifle has always been my ultra lite in 7mm Weatherby. I don’t understand why this caliber is not more popular than it is. It’s probably the most efficient 7mag going. Easily beats the 7 Rem mag by 100 to 200 fps with the same amount of recoil, action length and relatively long barrel life. It equals the velocities of the big barrel burning and belching 7 Rum and is much more pleasant to shoot. I always seem to have 140 gr. Barnes TTSX’s in the chamber when I’m hunting because at 3400 fps. they shoot flat and hit hard. On deer size game at least,I do not hesitate taking a Texas heart shot at any distance. My 7 mm Weatherby Ultra Lite likes 175 gr. Nosler partitions and easily reaches 3000 fps. That’s .300 Win mag power with less powder and less recoil! Guys and Gals, take a closer look at the 7 mm Weatherby, you won’t be disappointed .

  20. Dave

    I heard from Guy Eastman that they tested this rifle and gave it high marks.
    I purchased the 6.5/300 mark v ultralight. I sighted it in at 100 while breaking it in to zero at 300. I moved back to 300 and bam .5 inch to the left, height o inches. Looking forward to moving back even further. Loud with the muzzle break, but very little recoil.

  21. Yoda1911

    Harvested a nice Painted Desert Ram in April of 2017 from relatively close range of approximately 150 yards. Shot placement was spot on, accuracy of the rifle and excellent performance of the 6.5 x 300 WBY cartridge with the 130 grain Swift Scirroco bullet was outstanding in every way possible. I am a professional gunsmith specializing in high end custom revolvers and I would be proud to have built this weapon. Outstanding choice in a hard use long-gun for a high performance lightweight rifle with enough horsepower to cleanly and humanely harvest medium and big animals in North America. It is a keeper.

  22. Quintus

    I have Ultra Lightweights in .240, .257, .270, and 300Wby and a Super Predator Master in .243Win. They are all easy Sub MOA with several different bullet weights. I do have a brake on the 300, but the recoil on all of them largely negated by good stock design. They have proven very durable and consistent year to year, year after year. You get what you pay for sure in this case!

  23. Dutch

    I bought my 300 WM Mag several years ago. I traded up from a Weatherby Alaskan 270 mag and my friends said the MARK V ULTRA LIGHTWEIGHT would have a brutal kick compared to it. But with the Accubrake I have found that just isn’t so. (Compared to a hot loaded up 30-06)

    As far as accuracy goes; I love this Rifle. she has never let me down, I always have good clean kills.

  24. Cam

    Got an /06 lightweight when my shoulders could no longer lift standard rifles..Fantastic shooter,very accurate..I did have a muzzle break installed to tame muzzle rise at bench due to light weight.Love the Medalist stock and fit..Great trigger..Several trips to Alaska and two to Africa..Nobody gets this one !

  25. Nolan

    I have 3 mark five accumarks best rifles I have ever shot even on the 30_378 weatherby mag,in the accumarks the recoil is not bad at all. I have 257. 270. and 30_378 mark fives.l love theses guns.

  26. Bubba

    Where can I get a stock for my weatherby ultra light

  27. csmith

    Own a 270 weatherby in this model. Perfect fit and finish. I don’t reload my own ammo so I had to test everything to find the right load. After talking to the tech specialist at Weatherby found out that the 130 TTSX was the right load and it is! One thing to remember, this is not a target rifle it is a hunting rifle and not meant for long days at the range. 270 Weatherby magnum (and all Weatherby loads for that matter) gets this barrel hot quickly and the barrel on the ultralight is super thin for obvious reasons. Great hunting rifle, capable of sub moa accuracy with the right factory loads. Thanks to the customer service team for helping me out!

  28. Gary

    I have owned two Ultra Lightweights in 7mm-08 and 308.I have the 308 now and would like to purchase another 7mm-08 but it’s not offered in 7mm-08 any longer.These rifles shoot very tight groups.and have a light and crisp trigger.Great whitetail deer rifle.

  29. LIL JPF

    My parents got me the Mark V Lighty in 30-06 17 years ago, its still a sub MOA gun without the flutted barrel, still love shooting it all these years later…. Ive bought others but always go back to this one before season is over no matter what state I hunt. Longest kill shot was 10 years ago 427 yards, 2 shots, first missed (I didn’t have wind dopped right) second connected. I cant do that with auto loading rifles in 30-06.

  30. Dewey

    I have the accumark featherweight 7 mm mag, I have taken down several deer, elk and moose, all one shot one kill.
    I did my homework on the gun before I purchased it because of the price, I’ve also read the other reviews and I don’t know about the rust thing brought up in the review before me I also live in the Pacific Northwest and I’ve had the gun for more than 15 years I have no rust. Although the purchase price for my gun was $1,500 and now it is worth $2,300 I would say that’s a pretty good investment and recommend you buy one . Before they get up to $4,300.

  31. Oregon hunter

    Caught me off guard when I seen rust on the action of my Weatherby Mark 5 ultralight I thought I had a rifle that I could use in the Pacific Northwest without the worry of rust besides that it’s an excellent shooter I have a ultra light chambered in 30 odd 6 and it does shoot sub MOA groups at a hundred yards with Hornady ammunition very proud of my mark 5 Weatherby ultralight

  32. Blackbear3

    Finally had a chance to shot 20 rounds thru my 6.5-300 Weatherby ULW, it Is the most enjoyable shooting firearm I have ever experienced!!! The trigger was crisp and the Accubrake tamed the recoil so much I never once noticed it. The accuracy was excellent for such a lightweight firearm too, I just may have to purchase another in a 300 Bee!!!

  33. hooter

    I bought my rifle several years ago and it fast became my go to rifle. it carries light for the all day hunts. the quality is superb. this gun shoots better than I can shoot it and I am a fair shoot by all accounts. I bought my gun chambered in 7mm-08 and this gun and I have taken several nice bucks in new York. Good job weatherby inc.

  34. CatdaddyHG

    I received an Ultra Light for my retirement gift, I was pretty surprised to say the least, I expected a lot of recoil from a rifle that weighs in at 5.75 lbs. the .270 win barely kicked more than my daughters .243, excellent tack driving accuracy, three shots, three deer. Love it, can’t wait to haul it to Colorado next fall.

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    Whoever said that “looks are deceiving” must have been talking about me. With my Kryptek® Altitude™ camo I deceive the eyes of wary big game animals like no other Mark V. *Accubrake varies on caliber.

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    Whoever said that “looks are deceiving” must have been talking about me. With my Kryptek® Altitude™ camo I deceive the eyes of wary big game animals like no other Mark V. *Accubrake varies on caliber.

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  • Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page Quick View

    Weighing a mere 5.9 pounds for a 6-lug Action, or 7.2 pounds for a 9-lug Action, SUB-MOA accuracy, and durable performance finish, this rifle is home in any backcountry situation.


    Fluted Barrel / Brake / Receiver / Trigger Guard – FDE Cerakote
    Bolt / Bolt Knob / Safety – Graphite Black Cerakote
    Green Hand-Laid, raised comb Monte Carlo fiberglass stock with FDE speckle pattern.


    View Tech Specs

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